Friday, December 14, 2018

Camp spring wood at Dhading

     "Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

      Travelling is different for everyone. Some people travel for work, for family, for tourism, for adventure, for culture, and beyond these all as well. Travelling provides us with new experiences and perspectives. We are able to see the world in a different way and learn about new things as well as about ourselves. During our travels, we see new things that we have never experienced in our daily life before. By travelling, we can make new friends, and, most importantly, we can understand how tiny we are. In short, travelling is not just only a mean to go sightseeing in a new place; it is a deep interaction between one’s self and culture.Travelling helps us jump from our original world to a world we cannot see from our computer at home. Depending on how much we immerse ourselves, we will discover different things.

Before, I had gone to hike with my friends for many times. I too have traveled with my family many times, but it was the first time (2075/08/21-22) I spent my two days one night long tour with my friends. For this trip, we were altogether 41 students and 4 teachers( Bijay sir, Rajan sir, Murari sir and Sarita mam) ready to travel. We departed from school at 11:15 a.m. We all sang the song played in the bus and dance all along the way to camp spring wood at Dhading. We reached there at 3:00 p.m. , all tired and surprised to see the view of that place where we were going to enjoy at night. In the queue, one of the staff of that camp spring wood listed out all the rules that need to be followed out by us. All the activities that we have performed are briefly described below.

1) Lunch time:
                           After being refresh and keeping our belongings in respective tents, we came to the restaurant nearby the place we were staying and had lunch. In lunch, we ate beaten rice and curry. It was too tasty. After having lunch, we played badminton for sometime.

2) Visit to beach:
                                We went to beach side of the Trishuli river where the sand was so deep that we couldn't take out our foot without some effort. We played with water for sometime which was very cold and refreshing. We didn't want to come out of that water but we were getting late to move for evening walk.

3) Evening Walk:
                                Sometimes after the visit, we all students and teachers went for a walk across the Trishuli river using jholunge bridge. Across that river there is a very beautiful place but we couldn't stay for long time due to darkness. We returned from there after 20-25 minutes.

4) Campfire & Chicken barbecue:
                                   It was dark when we came from the evening walk. The staffs light the campfire. We all started to dance in the song played at the speaker. We had our heavy dinner. Our teacher Rajan sir started to prepare chicken barbecue after sometimes.We all ate it and it was very tasty. Some boys too played guitar and madal and sang the songs. We all enjoyed very much. At mid night, Murari sir shared some of his real incidents with us related to ghost. We too went to see ghost near the river side but found nothing else than silence. After 2-3 min, we came back and slept.

5) Hiking :
                   After having breakfast, we went for a hike to Chepang village. We walked for half an hour and reached to the Krishna temple which is still being constructed. The lifestyle of these villagers is very simple. They have some goats, buffaloes, cows and hens for animal husbandry. They have good cultivation of cabbage for their livelihood. After knowing their lifestyle, we came back to the place where we had our meal.

6) Competitions :
                                  Some of the competitions like running race, push up, drama etc. were organized at the river side and winners too got the reward. After these activities, some of us shared our experience with all. After sometimes, we packed our things and departed from there at 2:50 p.m. Due to traffic jam we reached at school at 6:15 p.m.

Actually, this trip was very inspirational trip for me. I got to learn many things through this trip. I feel as I'm the luckiest person in the world to have this joyful experience. I express by heartful gratitude to our teachers who made this plan to take us tour at Dhading.



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